Level 57
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chat returned ...next time longer or possible permenent ban of chat +chat +post KC 97 10:55 AM, Monday July 3, 2023 EDT
back in 2018 i banned your chat for language tword other playeras..ive seen you calling some playars pig among other names...taking your chat till..the end of June 2013..4 months this time...next time could result in permenent chat ban... -chat -post KC 97 4:46 PM, Monday February 27, 2023 EST
giving back your chat...please have more respect for others and watch the language... +chat +post KC 97 2:24 PM, Friday April 6, 2018 EDT
you cant talk to people with the language that you use..no chat or post..take some time to think on it -chat -post KC 97 5:25 PM, Sunday February 25, 2018 EST
1 week suspension over. Pepe do not abuse people or will be longer next time!!!! +chat TLP 2:56 PM, Tuesday April 7, 2009 EDT
Abusing other players. Complaints. 1 week ban of chat. -chat Marice 3:57 PM, Friday March 20, 2009 EDT
your chat has been restored. Please refrain from the language that required this ban +chat annat 7:43 AM, Monday January 19, 2009 EST
Chat is suspended for evidence on forum. This is inappropriate. Chat will be restored in 1 week. -chat annat 8:35 AM, Saturday January 10, 2009 EST

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Malditos;-) Starting Hand GOD AA folds rmartini checks Deucem calls Tennister calls pepe21 raises $27,500 avi_25 calls rmartini calls Deucem folds Tennister folds Dealing flop: [8d, 5s, 3c] pepe21 checks avi_25 checks rmartini checks Dealing turn: [6h] pepe21 checks avi_25 checks rmartini checks Dealing river: [7s] pepe21 bets $120,000 avi_25 folds rmartini raises $470,000 pepe21 calls pepe21 shows [4h, As] for a straight eight high rmartini shows [Tc, 9c] for a straight ten high rmartini wins main pot $738,046 Replay: http://gpokr.com/games/80728680 rmartini wins side pot $150,977 pepe21 stands up
rmartini on Monday January 29, 2018
horrible player... J-8 off suit all in.. just a scrub
Dick Tucker on Wednesday August 24, 2016
complete moron
Magilla Gorilla on Tuesday August 14, 2012
Adam_ on Monday September 5, 2011
Racist towards Irish People :/
jimmyduck on Sunday July 31, 2011
conorkelly on Friday May 22, 2009
megawerkx on Monday April 20, 2009
Disrespectful player, insults, plays bad insult proof: http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/3812/insultsm.png after losing several hands to me he said what translating means: you are a F***ing pig. You're going to get you're self F***ed, *******. Please take his chat away, thankyou
tiagosilva on Friday March 20, 2009
only for im unfairly muted,id of f***** you from a height you jammy river b******
irish rover on Thursday January 22, 2009
chips transfer with Lino Sá
Russian Red on Friday January 9, 2009
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