Level 26
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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
September 2013 4555th $0 52 4 2 +2,625 / -3,400 -144 $3400
August 2013 1918th $40 50 4 2 +2,150 / -6,375 -199 $6475
July 2013 319th $27682 303 2 21 +51,970 / -88,000 +60 $199303
June 2013 439th $17175 137 1 13 +8,675 / -4,850 +85 $24400
April 2013 3667th $0 96 6 4 +3,100 / -2,725 -109 $4350
March 2013 2687th $0 167 7 16 +28,931 / -22,808 -72 $53977
February 2013 873rd $5000 130 6 8 +13,525 / -4,675 -62 $19025
January 2013 3508th $0 243 3 22 +22,475 / -22,122 -35 $79183
December 2012 3162nd $0 284 6 11 +9,472 / -19,800 -69 $25147
November 2012 3325th $0 76 3 1 +3,570 / -1,900 -112 $6495
October 2012 2950th $0 309 10 11 +29,200 / -57,220 +95 $89187
September 2012 4356th $0 235 4 14 +10,413 / -17,003 -64 $20303
August 2012 4104th $0 354 5 22 +14,700 / -20,000 -77 $37568
July 2012 5336th $0 287 7 22 +7,532 / -16,275 -42 $18403
June 2012 4069th $0 334 18 19 +13,825 / -5,000 -93 $28288
May 2012 1216th $3863 225 12 15 +6,625 / -6,725 -76 $9500
April 2012 977th $6114 347 7 17 +6,400 / -5,800 -24 $22426
March 2012 4263rd $0 253 8 21 +10,725 / -9,025 -29 $26412
February 2012 810th $8869 384 17 23 +6,400 / -5,450 -54 $16450
January 2012 5805th $0 184 5 4 +4,625 / -7,350 -49 $10700
December 2011 1385th $3212 208 8 9 +9,325 / -6,050 -49 $18962
June 2011 4329th $0 19 4 0 +3,400 / -3,675 -318 $4825
May 2011 5543rd $0 497 7 43 +14,700 / -22,200 -19 $49880
April 2011 1486th $2550 223 11 10 +6,650 / -7,724 -69 $10369
March 2011 4270th $0 19 1 0 +2,500 / -2,357 -158 $4175
February 2011 4450th $0 23 0 1 +5,475 / -3,225 -65 $8500
December 2010 3900th $0 32 5 0 +700 / -1,500 -282 $2375
November 2010 946th $7850 312 23 13 +8,525 / -7,903 -90 $16900
October 2010 6754th $0 245 7 17 +22,584 / -15,450 -49 $33226
September 2010 3898th $0 222 9 16 +5,400 / -5,130 -68 $16155
August 2010 6230th $0 243 16 16 +10,000 / -23,700 -88 $29061
July 2010 5562nd $0 1122 13 48 +164,000 / -101,830 -19 $772230
June 2010 2117th $1500 389 29 14 +9,816 / -5,250 -101 $14738
May 2010 4682nd $0 419 18 40 +21,600 / -25,700 -56 $75405
April 2010 307th $49988 466 6 27 +143,827 / -100,000 +85 $249793
March 2010 7053rd $0 304 20 12 +11,112 / -16,042 -99 $25223
February 2010 980th $10954 678 17 35 +121,454 / -100,000 -24 $241954
January 2010 6660th $0 214 18 4 +9,187 / -14,800 -133 $18274
December 2009 5674th $0 728 26 39 +29,850 / -24,425 -55 $70389
November 2009 7319th $0 377 27 15 +6,225 / -5,705 -111 $13300
October 2009 114th $486452 1255 35 77 +298,847 / -140,000 +345 $552016
September 2009 7519th $0 194 12 13 +6,237 / -7,175 -101 $22161
August 2009 5772nd $0 570 10 55 +28,838 / -20,500 -20 $72112
July 2009 2041st $3266 633 30 37 +8,175 / -6,350 -68 $27676
June 2009 6099th $0 810 49 42 +24,165 / -20,000 -91 $46580
May 2009 366th $57558 882 23 64 +59,700 / -67,793 +20 $126657
April 2009 8117th $0 160 6 16 +11,825 / -17,025 -65 $31498
March 2009 894th $21153 323 23 20 +15,350 / -19,300 -49 $36891
February 2009 7664th $0 534 8 55 +24,295 / -63,162 -25 $97162
January 2009 8767th $0 427 18 16 +7,825 / -16,293 -67 $36320
December 2008 5881st $467 320 23 29 +27,174 / -21,266 -111 $41335
November 2008 620th $32276 766 16 80 +28,375 / -37,600 -47 $72209
October 2008 1735th $4559 515 9 38 +26,166 / -29,875 -32 $77193
September 2008 9412th $0 127 16 5 +3,550 / -3,050 -213 $5700
June 2008 11157th $0 1190 20 0 +94,930 / -66,062 +0 $203360
May 2008 12469th $0 1241 58 0 +6,655 / -6,658 +0 $25096
April 2008 9002nd $0 1164 55 0 +17,100 / -13,400 +0 $58910
March 2008 860th $23767 361 8 0 +11,225 / -9,800 +66 $33431
December 2007 17214th $0 0 11 0 +25,550 / -43,550 +0 $5125
November 2007 7457th $1500 0 16 0 +38,250 / -62,250 +0 $9250
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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