Level 53
to level 54


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This player has been modded by the community

How about NOT saying how women are idiots or should die. IDC about your political views and its not place for online poker. However, repeatedly calling me a moron is not the best move. Banned until I remove it, any other Mod, see me first. -chat -post annat 8:00 PM, Monday May 27, 2024 EDT
How about NOT saying how women are idiots or should die. IDC about your political views and its not place for online poker. However, repeatedly calling me a moron is not the best move. Banned until I remove it, any other Mod, see me first. -chat -post annat 8:00 PM, Monday May 27, 2024 EDT
been over a year...lets keep the language clean at the tables, gl +chat +post gnice37 8:16 PM, Monday April 22, 2024 EDT
i will not give your chat back due to constant abuse of players and mods. you have had 3 accts either banned or muted for your actions towards others. +play gnice37 5:00 PM, Friday March 3, 2023 EST
removed chat for constant name calling...after giving him a warning kept it up...play suspended till march 2023 -chat -play -post gnice37 8:31 PM, Thursday January 12, 2023 EST
removed chat for constant name calling...after giving him a warning kept it up...play suspended till march 2023 -chat -play -post gnice37 8:31 PM, Thursday January 12, 2023 EST
chat returned ...no more warnings next time you lose chat for good.. +chat +post KC 97 8:48 PM, Saturday December 3, 2022 EST
no chat for all of Nov for telling a mod to f--k off after giving a warning for same -chat -post KC 97 7:29 PM, Monday October 31, 2022 EDT
please dont interupt me when i am trying to get the site fixed with the owner. Sorry, i meant to give chat back and forgot. Please respect others and gl +chat gnice37 7:32 PM, Sunday September 18, 2022 EDT
removed -chat gnice37 8:21 PM, Friday September 9, 2022 EDT
chat returned any more namecalling and disrespect toward a mod and chat will be taken away longer or possible permanent ban +chat +post KC 97 2:03 PM, Monday August 1, 2022 EDT
calling a mod names..was warned and kept it up...then was disrespectful...no chat till Aug 1st... -chat -post KC 97 6:50 PM, Friday July 15, 2022 EDT

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returned you chat.
gnice37 on Monday April 22, 2024
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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