Level 26
to level 27


Maybe if we start telling people their brain is an app, they’ll want to use it.
Overview Stats Wall Reviews About

Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
2500 Daily
Apr 7, 14
27th $0 21 0 0 +550 / -1,125 -145 $8,450
Europe Freeroll
Apr 7, 14
11th $0 14 0 0 -25 / -200 -107 $8,450
Europe Freeroll Noch
Mar 29, 14
18th $0 21 0 0 +450 / -675 -71 $34,603
Europe Freeroll
Mar 27, 14
16th $0 8 0 0 +200 / -1,350 -303 $0
Europe Freeroll Noch
Mar 25, 14
20th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Europe Freeroll
Mar 25, 14
17th $0 23 0 0 +800 / -1,300 -130 $4,874
Europe Freeroll Noch
May 18, 10
7th $0 19 0 0 +750 / -750 -76 $1,450
2500 Daily
May 14, 10
22nd $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Europe Freeroll Noch
May 14, 10
36th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Vrijdag Vijfs
May 14, 10
16th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
September 2022 345th $4,325 26 1 2 +5,825 / -3,100 +50 $9,325
April 2014 2,650th $0 512 32 21 +7,100 / -5,050 -92 $9,838
March 2014 198th $50,302 222 16 24 +12,175 / -5,763 +112 $50,840
June 2012 1,059th $4,400 54 0 1 +4,775 / -3,440 +54 $9,925
July 2011 5,126th $0 4 0 0 +800 / -2,200 -375 $2,300
December 2010 881st $8,625 145 3 9 +5,900 / -4,025 +18 $9,250
September 2010 5,256th $0 136 11 2 +5,300 / -2,361 -132 $6,800
June 2010 3,116th $1,370 56 7 5 +6,800 / -4,975 -190 $9,275
May 2010 185th $106,666 543 7 45 +28,600 / -20,000 +189 $136,391
April 2010 388th $34,811 55 0 4 +9,801 / -4,126 +606 $30,002
March 2010 671st $19,754 154 7 18 +19,700 / -19,800 +57 $56,854
February 2010 427th $38,323 1,354 3 73 +32,050 / -33,800 +30 $104,080
January 2010 9,710th $0 315 28 9 +5,375 / -4,738 -138 $11,075
December 2009 996th $13,735 698 2 24 +23,632 / -20,000 +5 $51,850
November 2009 2,317th $1,525 294 15 8 +7,600 / -4,950 -90 $25,200
October 2009 1,856th $3,875 4 0 0 +3,100 / -500 +594 $4,100
September 2009 1,087th $10,874 90 0 2 +19,800 / -23,000 -157 $46,100
August 2009 532nd $31,483 69 0 10 +9,975 / -3,750 +94 $33,275
July 2009 352nd $59,791 859 0 41 +30,065 / -23,400 +14 $124,559
June 2009 492nd $36,454 778 1 34 +19,800 / -19,800 -85 $131,597
May 2009 237th $103,580 1,906 0 117 +53,400 / -75,000 +41 $201,039
April 2009 878th $20,867 870 3 56 +10,650 / -19,400 -38 $39,880
March 2009 978th $18,388 580 0 30 +35,250 / -19,400 -11 $59,250
February 2009 179th $185,698 1,438 0 82 +30,008 / -24,300 +67 $185,898
January 2009 7,682nd $0 964 1 47 +13,240 / -15,700 -27 $49,692
December 2008 7,873rd $0 3,151 21 145 +13,975 / -13,832 -26 $57,047
November 2008 1,318th $11,125 2,828 8 157 +88,933 / -89,000 -13 $414,620
October 2008 909th $14,621 3,173 81 180 +18,400 / -21,522 -35 $63,878
September 2008 5,476th $0 1,764 31 99 +22,625 / -24,390 -31 $85,670
August 2008 10,308th $0 5,101 66 295 +42,250 / -71,241 -19 $189,885
July 2008 2,204th $3,350 1,619 40 0 +20,582 / -11,400 +2 $41,744
June 2008 365th $49,408 1,953 42 0 +33,700 / -35,306 +25 $93,440
May 2008 1,177th $12,737 910 15 0 +35,300 / -29,070 +14 $83,120
April 2008 8,720th $0 2,875 3 0 +81,000 / -201,000 +0 $332,784
March 2008 9,258th $0 1,321 5 0 +19,985 / -52,500 +0 $99,250
February 2008 1,442nd $11,622 783 18 0 +11,118 / -10,648 +15 $29,655
January 2008 1,426th $13,320 318 6 0 +12,476 / -4,875 +42 $30,720
December 2007 4,779th $1,575 0 18 0 +105,257 / -132,182 +0 $8,350
November 2007 642nd $44,514 0 9 0 +853,793 / -824,279 +0 $98,627
October 2007 13,128th $0 0 47 0 +120,326 / -192,326 +0 $6,400
September 2007 4,259th $1,500 0 5 0 +300,857 / -308,357 +0 $25,651
August 2007 3,896th $1,500 0 32 0 +1,200,472 / -1,248,472 +0 $33,750
July 2007 582nd $41,549 0 94 0 +943,885 / -1,044,836 +0 $19,500
June 2007 514th $41,893 0 5 0 +206,193 / -173,300 +0 $72,300
May 2007 9,327th $525 0 36 0 +462,393 / -517,368 +0 $37,350
April 2007 7,405th $1,375 0 35 0 +754,366 / -807,116 +0 $43,196
March 2007 2,408th $2,907 0 51 0 +370,454 / -445,597 +0 $15,024
February 2007 1,673rd $4,794 0 38 0 +493,011 / -547,067 +0 $16,475
January 2007 5,014th $1,412 0 1 0 +5,637 / -7,225 +0 $3,250
December 2006 200th $49,958 0 76 0 +746,554 / -812,721 +0 $14,926
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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