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gnice37 wrote
at 8:29 PM, Tuesday January 6, 2015 EST
I need a little information from you to help you with your sound. I need the browser and version that you use to forward to ryan. thx and gl
lynnmay wrote
at 9:01 AM, Saturday March 1, 2014 EST
woooot good job!!!!!
TLP wrote
at 6:12 PM, Tuesday January 14, 2014 EST
Hi Irish, I posted that on mod forum as we discussed. Let me know when you get the response. :)
Good luck at the tables!
sharon ODonnell wrote
at 1:24 PM, Sunday January 12, 2014 EST
Retract..The common denominator are the grand kids..
sharon ODonnell wrote
at 12:44 PM, Sunday January 12, 2014 EST
lol...Talk about Butting heads..Daughter Julie and sons girlfriend grand kids mother Julie..got into it...end result..Daughter told her "don't get an attitude with me!!!" " You lazy F___n c_ _ _t" wasn't pretty..She stared balling her eyes out...I've always said pick your battles wisely..Then of course, she went crying to my son..End result..3 weeks later it came to a head.I told my son, your dad and I did not side with one or the other...nor will you.." you only heard half the story"It's their battle not ours.Now who's side did we really take..but said nothing..An outsider is not going to Butt one family member against another..Just not going to happen..I think she got the point..fight your own battles.and if you can't say nothing..She is a drama Queen..Can't say I like nor dislike her..I hope he never marries her..She's not catholic..there's a vast difference right there..There is just no common connection what so ever..and life goes on...lol...ND
sharon ODonnell wrote
at 1:39 PM, Thursday January 9, 2014 EST
They have to schedule an appointment, for the biopsy..Then another,to discuss their course of action. I think that's how it works. They don't discuss anything until all the test results are completed...ND
sharon ODonnell wrote
at 3:25 PM, Wednesday January 8, 2014 EST
Awww,Thank You so much..After this test I think they are going to do a biopsy. So we will not know anything with certainty for another few weeks..I appreciate Your and Lind's prayers and thoughtfulness..Jim has never been a worrier...If it is out of his control..he says "It"s in Gods hands.." We have a very strong partnership and marriage. Together as a family we will see this through...Thanks so much..my friends.ND
sharon ODonnell wrote
at 7:57 AM, Tuesday January 7, 2014 EST
OK..I'll try that,,,
irish helmet wrote
at 9:22 PM, Wednesday January 1, 2014 EST
Yes Sharon everything is ok here Joe was telling me about your husband!
sharon ODonnell wrote
at 5:18 PM, Wednesday January 1, 2014 EST
Linda,is everything ok......
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