
Answers to JulesDogg's Sunday Quiz
JulesDogg wrote
at 9:23 AM, Sunday January 6, 2008 EST
Here are the percentages:

1st [9h,8h] 30%,
2nd [Ac,Kd] 27%,
3rd [5c,5d] 26%,
4th [Ks,Jd] 17%

I was surprised by the results myself when I put them through my odds calculator. I have two calculators and they gave the same result so I'm taking it as absolutely correct.

All those who placed [Ks,Jd] last in 4th, well done. This hand is totally dominated by the AKo. Which was most of you got.

Nice one Gr8Scott for putting the suited connectors in at 1st. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the choice.

If you notice none of the other hole cards contain a heart making the odds of a flush better for the [9h,8h] . However this hand stands up very well in a multi-way situation even when some other hole are cards are the same suit.

Congrats to Metsar who came very close to getting them in the exact order. I'll be dogding any heads up confrontations with you at the tables in future unless I got the nuts.

So next time your getting yourself into a raised multi-way pot stick with your suited connectors and dump those dominated horror shows like KJ offsuit.

Hope you enjoyed that. Best regards to all

JD ; )

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panties wrote
at 10:50 AM, Tuesday January 6, 2009 EST
sorry jules, dont mean to mess with ya light hearted forum posts, but just trying to prove a point.
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